
Η Πατερική Στάση για τα Εμβόλια – Συνέντευξη με τον π. Σάββα Αγιορείτη (βίντεο)

Η Πατερική Στάση για τα Εμβόλια – Συνέντευξη με τον π. Σάββα Αγιορείτη

Στο Α’ μέρος της συνέντευξής μας με τον πάτερ Σάββα Αγιορείτη και θα ασχοληθούμε με:

Η κυτταρικές σειρές από εκτρωμένα έμβρυα στην παραγωγή εμβολίων

Η στάση ορθοδόξων βιβλιοθηκών για την κρίση των κυττάρων στα φάρμακα

Η απαγόρευση των ανεμβολιασμένων στους ναούς

Η αλλαγή που παρατηρείται σε πολλούς εμβολιασμένος


The Orthodox Ethos Podcast

First of Three-Part Interview with Fr. Savas Agioreitis (Nov. 2021)




In this first part of our new three-part discussion (1/3) with Archimandrite Savas Agioreitis, which took place on October, 18th, 2021, we discuss:

1. The cell lines from murdered unborn babies used in the testing and production of the newfangled inoculations.

2. The stance of Orthodox “bioethicists” with regard to the use of the cell lines in various medicine and elsewhere.

3. Forbidding of entrance into the Church temples to the un-inoculated.

4. The change which is observed in many of those who have been inoculated.

Archimandrite Fr. Savas Agioreitis began his monastic life in the Holy Kelli of the Entrance of the Theotokos in Kerasia on Mt. Athos. He is also a graduate of the School of Dentistry and the School of Theology, at the University of Thessaloníki, where he completed his Masters Degree with Professor Demetrios Tselengides. Today, Fr. Savas is the spiritual father of the Holy Monastery of the Holy Trinity in the Diocese of Edessa, in northern Greece. Fr. Savas works tirelessly teaching and guiding the faithful not only in his diocese or in Greece, but, indeed, through the online homilies and lectures, the world over, wherever the rational sheep of Christ are thirsting for the Word of God and the Gospel.

In addition to nearly daily homilies during Divine Liturgy, which are uploaded to the internet, now numbering in the many hundreds if not thousands, Fr. Savas is also a prolific author, penning more than 11 books.




Πηγη orthodoxethos.com 

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